Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Bendera Palestina berkibar di UNESCO

 Akhirnya, setelah melalui proses yang panjang. Bendera Palestina (Palestine) berkibar di UNESCO.

Bendera Palestina telah dibangkitkan untuk kali pertama di atas markas Unesco di Paris, menandai kemenangan diplomatik meskipun perlawanan keras bagi AS dan Israel.

Hari ini, Presiden Palestina Mahmoud Abbas mengatakan: "Masukknya kami (di UNESCO) adalah kebanggaan besar bagi kita.para penulis, seniman, dan peneliti telah memainkan peran penting dalam melestarikan budaya kita. Para anggota UNESCO juga memainkan penting dan telah menjadi mitra setia kita." 
Menyambut Palestina. Direktur Jenderal UNESCO mengatakan: "UNESCO bekerja di garis depan hari ini, untuk membangun dunia yang lebih damai lebih demokratis dan lebih adil martabat manusia adalah titik awal kita dan ukuran kesuksesan kami Solidaritas panduan kami.. dan tujuan kami.

Multilateralisme belum pernah begitu penting. Keanggotaan baru ini harus menjadi kesempatan bagi semua untuk bergabung bersama-sama sekitar nilai-nilai bersama dan ambisi baru untuk perdamaian. Dalam semangat inilah saya menyambut Palestina kepada UNESCO. "

UNESCO menjadi badan PBB pertama mengakui Palestina sebagai Anggota penuh setelah negara-negara anggota memilih untuk mengakui Palestina sebagai Anggota 195 dari UNESCO pada tanggal 31 Oktober, selama sesi ke-36 Konferensi Umum Organisasi.

4Eyes iPhone App Review

Aplikasi ini sangat ideal bagi siapa saja yang melakukan banyak pencarian web secara praktis, kata Shane Richmond. Beberapa aplikasi terbaik memilih satu hal dan melakukannya dengan baik.  4Eyes adalah salah satu aplikasi. Ini menghemat waktu pencarian web alat yang juga menawarkan lebih banyak kelebihannya daripada pencarian browser bawaan.
Jika Anda ingin menemukan sesuatu di web menggunakan iPhone Anda, Anda harus membuka safari/Google/Bing ketik apa yang Anda cari ke dalam kotak pencarian dan kemudian klik link yang sesuai. Jika Anda ingin menemukan sebuah buku di Amazon maka Anda bisa ketik 'Amazon ke dalam kotak pencarian Safari dan kemudian mencari lagi dan seterusnya. 4Eyes memungkinkan Anda mencari lebih dari 30 website dan jasa dari satu kotak pencarian. Mereka yang tersedia termasuk eBay, Wikipedia, Amazon dan mesin pencari yang paling besar serta App Store iTunes dan layanan seperti harga saham dan waktu internasional. Anda dapat memilih situs yang Anda inginkan dari daftar bergulir atau cukup mengetik kode pendek. Ketik saja 'a Apple' misalnya, artinya Anda masuk Amazon untuk mencari Apple. Ini sangat sederhana bukan...! Anda dapat menyimpan istilah pencarian yang sering digunakan ke daftar favorit dan mengambil pencarian sebelumnya menggunakan menu history.
Jika Anda sering melakukan pencarian pada smartphone Anda. Aplikasi 4Eyes akan banyak membantu Anda. Cobalah cobalah cobalah...

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

daymilovich: LyX untuk Menulis Skripsi, Download Buku

Pagi semua...., artikel ini aku dapat dari blogmaster daymilovich. Oke langsung aja ya....
LyX mampu menangani ribuan halaman dokumen, teks persamaan matematika rumit, konsistensi penulisan referensi (footnote, daftar pustaka), dan layout (tata-letak) dokumen. Download LyX, atasi kelemahan pengolah kata (word processor) generasi sebelumnya, juga Microsoft Office 2010.
Kalau sering menangani dokumen ilmiah, tentu pernah merasakan betapa lama waktu terbuang saat print-out tidak sesuai tampilan di layar. Pengolah kata sebelumnya, mengandalkan feature "what you see is what you get" (wysisyg), kenyataannya, apa yang diinginkan pemakai pengolah kata, belum tentu 100% sama dengan hasil (print-out). Download LyX, pengolah kata untuk menulis skripsi.
LyX mengandalkan "WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean), apa yang kamu lihat sama dengan apa yang kamu maksud.
Konsep penulisan terstruktur, seperti dalam penulisan bahasa pemrograman, namun penggunaannya sangat mudah. LyX digunakan menulis skripsi, artikel, surat-menyurat, dan fitur lain yang tidak terpikirkan pengolah kata lain. Membaca LyX untuk Menulis Skripsi berpeluang mengembangkan-bersama fungsi LyX untuk kepentingan ilmiah yang lebih luas. Buku LyX untuk Menulis Skripsi berada di bawah semangat open-source.
Semua feature penting LyX diperkenalkan di buku "LyX untuk Menulis Skripsi". Buku ini ditulis oleh I Wayan Simri Wicaksana dan Yudha Yogasara, pakar linux dari Universitas Gunadarma. Baru saja dirilis, download dan baca Lyx untuk Menulis Skripsi.
Download Buku "Lyx untuk Menulis Skripsi"
LyX The Document Processor Download
LyX for Windows Tutorial
Info from the Author, "Download Buku LyX Untuk Pemula"
Yudha Yogasara, penulis "Lyx untuk Menulis Skripsi"

Four dead after Lewis-McChord helicopters crash

Four Army aviators were killed when two helicopters crashed in the aviation training area southwest of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, said base spokesman Lt. Col. Gary Dangerfield.
The circumstances of the crash are still unclear, but Dangerfield said it was sometime after 8 p.m. and involved two OH-58 Kiowa choppers and occurred about two miles south of Spurgeon Creek Road Southeast and Rainier Road Southeast.
The names of the soldiers involved were not immediately released. Initial reports said two soldiers also were injured, but that wasn’t the case. Base spokesman J.C. Mathews said each helicopter seated two.
Police and Army officials are blocking access to the crash area.

NATO to end its training mission in Iraq

NATO to end its training mission in Iraq
A NATO statement said the North Atlantic Council, the military alliance's governing body, decided Monday to end the training mission because "agreement on the extension of this successful program did not prove possible despite robust negotiations conducted over several weeks."
NATO has about 130 advisers from 13 member nations and Ukraine in Iraq.


Dalam perjalanan mencari makrifat seseorang tidak terlepas dari kemungkinan ragu-ragu, lemah semangat dan berputus asa jika dia masih bersandar kepada sesuatu selain Allah s.w.t. Hamba tidak ada pilihan kecuali berserah kepada Allah s.w.t, hanya Dia yang memiliki kuasa Mutlak dalam menentukan siapakah antara hamba-hamba-Nya yang layak mengenali Diri-Nya. Ilmu dan amal hanya digunakan untuk membentuk hati yang berserah diri kepada Allah s.w.t. Aslim atau menyerah diri kepada Allah s.w.t adalah perhentian di hadapan pintu gerbang makrifat. Hanya para hamba yang sampai di perhentian aslim ini yang berkemungkinan menerima kurniaan makrifat.

Jalan menuju maqom aslim yaitu ke pintu gerbang makrifat secara umum terbagi menjadi dua. Jalan pertama dinamakan jalan orang yang mencari dan jalan kedua dinamakan jalan orang yang dicari. Orang yang mencari akan melalui jalan di mana dia kuat melakukan mujahadah, berjuang melawan godaan hawa nafsu, kuat melakukan amal ibadat dan gemar menuntut ilmu. Dhahirnya sibuk melaksanakan tuntutan syariat dan batinnya memperteguhkan iman. Dipelajarinya tarekat tasauf, mengenal sifat-sifat yang tercela dan berusaha mengikiskannya daripada dirinya (tahalli). Kemudian diisikan dengan sifat-sifat yang terpuji (tajalli). Dipelajarinya perjalanan nafsu dan melatihkan dirinya agar nafsunya menjadi bertambah suci hingga meningkat ke tahap yang diridhai Allah s.w.t. 

Orang yang bermujahadah pada jalan Allah s.w.t dengan cara menuntut ilmu, mengamalkan ilmu yang dituntut, memperbanyakkan ibadat, berzikir, menyucikan hati, maka Allah s.w.t menunjukkan jalan dengan memberikan taufik dan hidayat sehingga terbuka kepadanya suasana berserah diri kepada Allah s.w.t tanpa ragu-ragu dan ridha dengan kehendak Allah s.w.t. Dia dibawa sampai pintu gerbang makrifat dan hanya Allah s.w.t saja yang menentukan apakah orang tadi akan dibawa ke Hadirat-Nya ataupun tidak, dikurniakan makrifat ataupun tidak.
Golongan orang yang dicari menempuh jalan yang berbeda dari golongan yang mencari. Orang yang dicari tidak cenderung untuk menuntut ilmu atau beramal dengan tekun. Dia hidup selaku orang awam tanpa kesungguhan bermujahadah. Tetapi, Allah s.w.t telah menentukan satu kedudukan kerohanian kepadanya, maka takdir akan mengheretnya sampai ke kedudukan yang telah ditentukan itu. Orang dalam golongan ini biasanya berhadapan dengan sesuatu peristiwa yang dengan serta-merta membawa perubahan kepada hidupnya. Perubahan sikap dan kelakuan berlaku secara mendadak. Kejadian yang menimpanya selalunya berbentuk ujian yang memutuskan hubungannya dengan sesuatu yang menjadi penghalang di antaranya dengan Allah s.w.t. 
Abu Hurairah r.a menceritakan yang beliau r.a mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang artinya:

Allah berfirman: “ Apabila Aku menguji hamba-Ku yang beriman kemudian dia tidak mengeluh kepada pengunjung-pengunjungnya maka Aku lepaskan dia dari belenggu-Ku dan Aku gantikan baginya daging dan darah yang lebih baik dari yang dahulu dan dia boleh memperbaharui amalnya sebab yang lalu telah diampuni semua”.

Amal kebaikan dan ilmunya tidak mampu membawanya kepada kedudukan kerohanian yang telah ditentukan Allah s.w.t, lalu Allah s.w.t dengan rahmat-Nya mengenakan ujian bala bencana yang menariknya dengan cepat kepada kedudukan berhampiran dengan Allah s.w.t. Oleh yang demikian tidak perlu dipersoalkan tentang amalan dan ilmu sekiranya keadaan yang demikian terjadi kepada seseorang hamba-Nya.
Silakan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya... Jangan sungkan menjelajah ke blog utama 

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Accident as a Serious Terror on Roads

We are provided with the roads and rules for our safe and easy movements. All we need is just an extra care in following them. We should not be afraid of doing anything right and authentic but at the same time must be afraid of things which emerge out as a risk to us. This risk may arise due to our wrong or rather irresponsible deeds. One such wrongful execution of act is the avoidance of traffic rules which in turn leads to accidents and in extreme case life risks.The road sides are turning terrible day by day due to these sudden accidents. Traffic rules are provided to us for our own safe movements on roads and hence we must follow them seriously. Pedestrians and drivers are provided with different specific areas to move on.
We should not be afraid of doing anything right and authentic but at the same time must be afraid of things which emerge out as a risk to us. This risk may arise due to our wrong or rather irresponsible deeds. One such wrongful execution of act is the avoidance of traffic rules which in turn leads to accidents and in extreme case life risks.
The road sides are turning terrible day by day due to these sudden accidents. Traffic rules are provided to us for our own safe movements on roads and hence we must follow them seriously. Pedestrians and drivers are provided with different specific areas to move on. Separate moving and driving lanes are provided so as to avail the users with utmost convenience. 
But due to the random motions of car drivers, irresponsibility, ignorance etc sometime we come across certain uneasy situations like that of Pedestrian Auto Accident. Just because of the mere ignorance of the driver the innocent pedestrian has to suffer a lot. Getting a hit from the car he has only pain and agony left with him to face. But the actual scene must be to achieve a justice for facing such an unwanted trouble. After the recovery he must fetch out a legal person to fight out justice for himself. Who else are the better options than expert lawyers of this field? These lawyers are trained professionals having all the legal knowledge to find out justice on behalf of the client. They not only help in providing proper compensations, med claims and other out of pocket expenses but also inform the victim about his legal rights and process how to tackle such uncomfortable situations. These lawyers being the most knowledgeable persons of this field provides the victim with his exact deserving judgment and try out to complete the hearing in the minimum possible time limits. Sometime it also leads to death of the victim because of severe injuries or other internal and serious physical problems. Also there remains a huge probability of physical, mental and financial disabilities of the victim’s family members even long after the incidence. At this point of time, Fatal Accident Lawyer may serve the purpose of the sufferers in terms of deserving claims and compensations. This is also a group of expert professional to fight out lawful judgment. In systematic manner these lawyers provide the victims family with all their legal rights thereby trying to comfort them as much as possible for the life loss. Death has nothing to do with the compensations but at least the family members must feel a bit calm by getting proper justice. They won’t get their close ones ever but that hardly means they must not strive for justice. Also the doer must get an appropriate punishment for his wrong deed so that he must behave enough responsible when on roads.
Actually both the pedestrians and the drivers need to follow their part of rules seriously then we can avoid this terror turning accidents to an end. Still, if undergoes an accident someday then we must knock to a reliable lawful professional to get proper legal help. Why to waste our important life in a terror called accidents?

The Importance Of Osha Certification For Your Business

OSHA certification is crucial in terms of liability and safety within the workplace. OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is a governmental agency designed to promote safety in the workplace. Various work sites have an array of dangerous sounds, smells, and chemicals that can create illnesses, injuries, and even death. Even working for long hours can constitute a deterrent to well-being in terms of mental stress, as well as being more susceptible to disease because of a heavy workload. Machinery and sharp objects can lead to loss of limb, puncture wounds, and other serious accidents. It's crucial that companies recognize what's safe and what's not in order to protect all individuals working there and the company overall.

How OSHA Began

When President Richard M. Nixon was chief of the United States, it came to his attention that many workers were being hurt or even killed on the job. Over four decades ago, he and Congress decided to do something about it. This is when an act called the Occupational Safety and Health Act came to exist.

Voluntary Versus Mandatory

Some workplace safety regulations are mandatory while others are voluntary on the part of the company and employee. It is important that businesses know one from the other in order to protect workers and be compliant with the law.

Inspections Help Promote Safety

One way to assure that a workplace is compliant is by having it inspected. OSHA inspectors visit facilities and make notes on positive and negative aspects of the physical plant. It always helps to have an outsider take a look with fresh eyes. Employees and management may not notice certain potential dangers or might overlook items due to excessive familiarity with the plant and situation.

Protective Equipment

In order to protect physical well-being, protective equipment and gear can be worn. Examples include goggles or safety glasses, gloves, coveralls, bulletproof vests, breathing apparatuses, earplugs, rubber boots, gloves and more. Other safety tools that could help protect workers are fire safety items like extinguishers, alarms, and sprinklers.

Training for Management and Employees

It's important to train management as well as workers regarding OSHA certification rules and regulations. This can be achieved by training a small percentage of the workforce and allowing them to hold trainings for others within the company; it can entail online training courses, DVDs or videos shown to groups and more.

What Workplace Safety Prevention Programs Can Help With

With additional prevention techniques, individuals can avoid losing a limb, going blind, getting lung cancer, inhaling carcinogens and much more.

When workplaces are made safer, everyone wins. Even with all the safety measures, rules and regulations, there is still an abundance of accidents and even deaths in the line of job duties. In the year 2010, over 4,000 Americans died while on the job. This is terrible for the workers, their families, and for the businesses that employ them. OSHA certification is one more way to protect one's company and to protect the well-being of all the workers who toil there.

By: Aarthur

How To Make An iPhone App

As you know, the iPhone is the most popular smartphone. With the rapid pace of iPhone sales every day, nothing can stop the incredible iPhone. The good thing of the iPhone is that Apple is always on top of things, such as the release of the iPhone 4. One of the best iPhone features is the Apple Store application. The App Store allows mobile applications by third party companies and individuals such as games, services, content, etc. All you can imagine is to be created into an application for the iPhone. Today I will show you how easy this is!

There are various methods to create an application for the iPhone. How awesome would it be to click a few buttons, which actually creates the program for you. All you have to do is be creative and make the best iPhone application that can be!

If you have no programming experience, it would seem unlikely that you cannot have a future in iPhone Apps. The following example shows you you're dead wrong!

If you did not hear of an application called "iFart". It grossed more than $27,000 on the first day it was launched. All that the applications did was give you some options to make sounds. You can develop AND publish similar apps in less than 2 hours!

Why not make more useful and needed apps for people to use every day? Do you have a great idea? Take charge today and use a tool I've used to create my personal iPhone App and publish it to the world!

Asian Food Restaurants-Your Tummy’s Best Choice

If hungry, fix a meeting with the Asian cuisines table in an exotic and highly international Asian food restaurant. It’s good to be foodie! We often utter some words that he is foodie by pointing towards someone! Isn’t that enough to describe a person who not only love to eat but is actually excelling and cherishing the food too. I can bet you guys with people who just to experience different tastes and menus keep on travelling round the world. Even money doesn’t matter to them for a good bite. Again it’s good to increase the appetite with healthy and classy foods!Different countries have their own specialties in foods.
We often utter some words that he is foodie by pointing towards someone! Isn’t that enough to describe a person who not only love to eat but is actually excelling and cherishing the food too. I can bet you guys with people who just to experience different tastes and menus keep on travelling round the world. Even money doesn’t matter to them for a good bite. Again it’s good to increase the appetite with healthy and classy foods!
Different countries have their own specialties in foods. Guess a spot where you can have all these tastes under one roof without roaming the whole world and that too at the same time.Yes, you are right! It’s a restaurant. Here we will discuss about the Asian cuisines and restaurants. Asians are specially known for their versatility in food and food culture.  Each part of the continent is full of different kinds of appetizers to satisfy the hunger and urge of each of the food loving person. But it’s wrong on my part if I only discuss about the Asian continent because even in the outer part also Asian food is in great demands and thus attracting foodies towards themselves irrespective of the geographic barrier or taste variations or rather price distinctions. Asian food restaurants are thus turning out day by day to be the best choice of the food loving crowd of world. Either international tastes or hardcore in house tastes, these restaurants are charged with best of the world class chefs who not only are enough competent to  smile at you  with satisfaction regarding the food but also proliferates their duty to much wider areas of the restaurants like that of the customer service fragments, clearance of food related issues etc.
They are mainly known for their variety of main courses along with their special starters, deserts, sizzlers etc. How can I avoid the discussion regarding Indian food division? As a separate entity, it is an all in all restaurants to provide high class food delicacies which even compares out with the international tastes and services. The warmth of the service provider’s right from subordinates to the top management, taste standards, food quality, price range etc all signifies these restaurants with an extra beauty and at top in the search book of foodies. Now it is an easy way of striving out for such restaurants online. It not only save our time but also help us to get the best deal with a pre look of all the tongue loving food and their related cost to the pocket at the same time. Whole of the North east and Southwest areas are well known for their different flavors and textures. These restaurants are throwing out challenges to the international cuisine in their tastes, quality, ingredients, menu card varieties etc.
These restaurants not only maintain their ethnic looks and services but are of great international taste to serve the appetite of the food lovers and are hence a perfect blend for the eye and mind satisfaction along with a full on tummy satisfaction. Just giving a try to make you guys smile and feel hungry! But actually, is true! So, now onwards before stepping any restaurant, it’s good to take a view online and book a table for the best Asian cuisines only to meet the tummy and pocket both demands justifiably.

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

An Introduction To Sc Ins Law

As of today, SC ins law requires that when a drivers license is first issued, or renewed, the individual that it is granted to must certify in their application form (DL 447) that they hold an adequate automobile liability policy. If the applicant is not in possession of a vehicle, they should check off accordingly.

It is stipulated under state law that owners of vehicles provide adequate proof that the vehicle they own and use is insured. Upon first registering any motorized vehicle in the state, and when the registration is being renewed, there is a legal requirement to provide the name of the insurer who issues the coverage. This information is verified by South Carolina's Department of Motor Vehicles, if false information is given the drivers license and vehicle registration can be suspended.

The rules in regard to carrying proof of insurance vary from state to state. In South Carolina there is a requirement to provide proof that the vehicle you operate is insured if pulled over by a law enforcement officer. If you do not have the right documentation, a citation can be issued which may result in a fine or possibly even imprisonment. Upon being presented with a citation, there is a period of thirty days to provide adequate proof of insurance otherwise the indefinite suspension of your drivers license can come into force.

If involved in an accident, an investigating officer would issue form FR10 (Notice of Requirement) which is used to verify that the correct level of liability insurance was in effect on the date of the accident. It is the owners responsibility to provide the necessary documentation within a two week period.

It is important to keep up to date with changes in SC ins law when residing in the state. Do not underestimate the seriousness of not abiding by the local insurance regulations.

By: Allan Ryckman

Tips to find out suitable website hosting services

Website hosting services should be picked up carefully to ensure that the site is always visible on net to its customers and other visitors. Choose a hosting package carefully so that it matches with your hosting requirements.When you are looking for suitable website hosting packages for your online business site, it is very crucial that you take care of many aspects of the hosting services. Such knowledge will help you arrive at the right hosting solutions that match with your type of site and its requirements. Note that hosting services are essential part of launching a website on Internet if you want to earn a good amount of business and want to beat your competitors.
The first advice that you will get in finding out web hosting company is to have a good assessment of your website. You should always have in mind the hosting requirements of your site and buy a hosting package accordingly. There is no need for you to have greater package having high-end features of hosting, if your website is smaller.

In case your website is in the initial stage and has no greater traffic coming towards it, there is no point in asking for hosting services of greater capacity. You only need a smaller disk space, smaller bandwidth and memory. With such lower hosting capacities, your site of few pages with simple features can do well and can be run properly by any other website hosting service provider. As you settle for such a package, your cost for hosting purpose also is manageable and within budget.

Shared website hosting packages are equally efficient for the smaller websites that are still at their nascent stages. Remember, you will be sharing disk space, bandwidth and all other hosting services with other website on the same server. While picking up such a shared hosting package, all you need to ensure is that the hosting company is capable of providing you timely technical support.

For the established websites having many pages and high-end features incorporated on its each page, a dedicated web hosting services is preferable. These services allow you to have a fully dedicated server for your website. You will have a high capacity disk space that some call as unlimited space, vast memory and bandwidth especially for your site. Since you are not sharing any hosting features with any other site, there is no possibility of your site facing any obstacle and the site is always visible to the visitors.

If you are looking for cheap web hosting services, get the domain name and domain registration from the same company to reduce the costs. Domain name registration is integral part of hosting package. Whichever package you choose, ensure that the technical support is available to you instantly so that your website is always visible to the users.

Blending The Bedroom Furniture For Super Style

Jackie and Cooper were in desperate need of a redo of their bedroom of the worst kind. After seven years of a happy marriage they were beginning to think it was time to invest in some bedroom furniture that suited their style. However, when it came to style, Cooper thought Jackie did not have any, and Jackie thought the same about Cooper. Of course this was not true at all, they both had good taste, but they needed to figure out how to make it work together. So, when it came to choosing a new set of bedroom furniture for their home, this married couple just could not agree on what style they wanted to go with.

Jackie's style was a mish-mash of found items that were pieced together from thrift stores and antique shops. Jackie took great pride in hunting down little treasures like 19th century chairs and blending them with textiles and trinkets from around the world. Jackie really felt that this kind of decorating made a room feel more at home and personal.

On the other hand, though, Cooper was not so hot about having everything unmatched. Although, he did like some of the little trinkets and treasures Jackie brought home, it was a bit too much. To be sure, he really felt that the mish-mash quality of their room made it hard to relax and feel at home after a long days work. Cooper much preferred a more contemporary look to things. He liked for the basic elements to match and to have a quality that was timeless. So, when it came to decorating, Cooper was looking forward to getting something that would never go out of style.

Interestingly, what these two did not know was that their styles were quite compatible after all. And why wouldn't they be? After all, these two made quite the happy couple. Truly, they overlooked something very essential when it came to decorating and choosing their bedroom furniture -- combining both of their tastes for great, sophisticated style. They just needed a little editing and some basics to get them started.

Jackie and Cooper found that when they took elements from each of their individual tastes, their room became just exactly what they both envisioned. What they decided to do was to blend the furniture and accessories to communicate their own unique stylistic points of view. Since oftentimes the bedroom furniture itself will set the tone for a space, they agreed that would be the best starting point. So, Jackie and Cooper agreed that they would go with Cooper's love for the classic style and went with a contemporary queen size sleigh bed frame, with matching chests of drawers. These classic pieces provided a good canvas to add the decor. That is where Jackie's love for antiquing came into play. Jackie and Cooper went shopping at antique stores together to find some elements that would put the finishing touches on their new space. 

Setting and Customized Up by Prelaunch Testing Method

Building web pages is one of those activities that require you to remember a bunch of little details that all add up to a finished web site. Besides designing the pages, optimizing all the graphics, building the pages, pasting in all the relevant content in every page ,dropping in JavaScript and media files and formatting everything with CSS.
Building web pages is one of those activities that require you to remember a bunch of little details that all add up to a finished web site. Besides designing the pages, optimizing all the graphics, building the pages, pasting in all the relevant content in every page, dropping in JavaScript and media files and formatting everything with CSS.
You have to remember to include meta tags in the code add customized titles to every page, give images alternate text, and add target attributes to links that should open in separate browser window. The list could go on and on.

The help you remember all the things to do, try creating your own web-testing check-list, like the starter list every site you build prior to publishing: Web site prelaunch testing checklist. Have you performed a spell and syntax check, included the correct DTD, applied source formatting, organized your CSS, and cleaned up any a HTML and word HTML coding errors. Have you tested the pages in multiple browsers and browser versions on both the Mac and PC platforms and found solutions for any glaring errors?
Do all the page on the site include meta tags. Does each page have a unique, descriptive title. Do all the images include alt text or empty alt text attributes. Do all the hyperlinks include title attributes. Have you hand-checked all the internal and external hyperlink for accuracy. Do they go where you want them to go? Did you find any broken links that need fixing. When aligning tables, have you replaced tag alignment attributes with surrounding alignment tags. Does the site have any unused files, images or folder that can be safely moved to another location or deleted. Are the site’s forms and tables fully accessible and functional. In the sections that follow, you learn about some of best tools for completing all these tasks.

Cleaning Up Code:-some people might think that hand-coders must always make a practice of checking the hierarchical order, syntax, and spelling of their HTML code, but that designers using HTML editors need not worry about syntactical or other HTML errors. Not true. Even if you use the best program out there, your code will have errors because you’re human and because the program was made by a human. No matter how carefully you build a site, the HTML in your pages might inadvertently become cluttered with redundant tags, the unnecessary markup and outright detrimental code that can negatively impact the presentation of your pages. Many of the error within the coding happen when you paste content from other sources like a world or Excel file, from an online resource, or from another code editor or application. Other times , an error might just be an honest typo that wasn’t caught or something that happened behind the scenes when moving elements around the page by clicking and dragging or cutting and pasting. Which some code editors occasionally leave in the code for no apparent reason when you move a link from one spot on the page to another.

How can Your SEO Keywords make Money?

As you likely know by now, there is a big difference between effective, quality website content, and search engine optimized (SEO) website content that will obtain the highest ranks in search engines and directories such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN.
As you likely know by now, there is a big difference between effective, quality website content, and search engine optimized (SEO) website content that will obtain the highest ranks in search engines and directories such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. However, to apply SEO properly to your website, you first need to know which keywords to use. Once you have them, you also need to know if those keywords are working for you, or if you will need to tweak them to get better results. After all, a keyword is only as good as the money it makes for you.
The keyword itself is a certain word or phrase that someone would type into a search engine or web directory in order to find your website. The keyword you choose for any given page should describe that page in a way that a regular web surfer would search for it. The keyword should be a direct reflection of the content of that page. They should never contain any random or additional words that have nothing to do with you, your business, or your website. If they do contain these excess words, then you won't obtain the maximum results from your SEO strategy.
Among the most widely accepted keyword strategies is that the number of keywords in a website should never exceed 21-22. There are sites out there that have well over six and seven hundred keywords, without any content to back those keywords up. Even if they did have content for every one of those keywords, there would be no point, since search engines will ignore any keyword over their limit of 22 words.
Keywords are each counted as one word. Key phrases, on the other hand, are also counted as one, no matter how many words make them up. For example, if you owned a computer company, a keyword could be "computers". This would be counted as one word. However, you could also have a key phrase "discount computer company", which would also be counted as one.
Even though key phrases are each counted as only one keyword, you should always keep them very short and straight to the point, without any excess words or puff.
To properly apply these keywords to your website, you first need to come up with a list of 21 or 22 keywords/key phrases that will describe your website content, such as the product or service you are selling. You then need to work them into your content, as well as into the site description coding and any additional information you submit to the search engines upon registration with them.
To identify the keywords, there are many different tools that you can use. You can pull them straight out of the air, have friends and colleagues brainstorm with you, or use one or two of many different softwares that are available for specifically that purpose. One of the most popular among these softwares is the Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool. You simply need to tell it what your site is about, and it will suggest a number of different potential keywords based on what has been searched for within the last past month.
By making sure that you're using the right keywords, you're much more likely to choose exactly the word or phrase that a web surfer might type when searching for what your site has to offer. This is the entire point of SEO. When done properly, you'll increase the number of visitors to your site, and will therefore experience increased sales. Your website will be more visible, more find-able, and more successful, all by selecting the right wording. Though it may sound complex at first, once you get the hang of it, it does become much more routine. You must remember, though, that this is a time consuming process, and is something that you will need to maintain for the entire life of your website. If you don't have the time or willingness to dedicate to your website, be certain to hire a professional to do it for you. It is definitely worth the extra few dollars that it will cost. The increased sales will pay for the SEO many times over.
